The Story

BeTriton’s founding story is truly exceptional. It all began with Aigars, the inventor, co-founder, and CEO, embarking on an extraordinary cycling journey from London to Tokyo, spanning over 30,000 kilometers. It was during this remarkable trip that the concept of amphibious campers took shape in his mind. However, this was merely the inception point, as the subsequent evolution of both product and company has been nothing short of epic. Explore the fascinating journey of BeTriton as it has evolved over time.


Green BeTRITON eTrailer with solar panel

We’ve been constantly improving our products delivering the concept of a boat-camper-trike in the best possible way. This unit has a large solar panel on a pop-up roof and includes bike motor for easy towing with a standard bicycle that can be taken along on wild adventures.


BeTRITON trailer version

Simpler, lighter, and more affordable - The BeTriton Trailer Version is towable by a standard e-bike. This version will be delivered in a box to your doorstep and requires self-assembly using a set of straightforward tools. Development of this prototype was supported by Norway Grants.


The first rental location opens in Smiltene, Latvia

Pre-designed 40km route winding through stunning forests and across three serene lakes. The overwhelming majority of people usually opt for a two-day rental, immersing themselves in the unparalleled experience of sleeping in one of BeTritons in the middle of one of the lakes.


The first ever commercialy sold BeTRITON goes to Switzerland

Unit number 001 goes to our B2B client and business partner called Insel Auf Raedern (Island on Wheels), based in Arbon, on Lake Constance, Switzerland. We have plans to tackle the Swiss and South German markets in a joint effort and make BeTriton a commercial success.



Production-ready BeTriton version. Improved with a more functional cabin, softer interior, and many features. Mostly handcrafted in The Baltics with a high level of precision and quality. This isn’t a concept vehicle anymore; it’s ready to be sold, rented, and entered into various markets.



This is an attempt to create a smaller and more functional version of an amphibious camper trike that could be self-assembled or made from a kit of parts as a DIY version. Development of this prototype was supported by Norway Grants.



Reengineered and improved in many ways, BeTriton 2.0 is ready to take on the world and travel across Europe for various demo events, media engagements, trade shows, etc. Our own demo video gathers a significant amount of views and helps with our organic growth.


Developing 2.0 with a team and investors aboard

With masses of media attention received, first pre-orders, and global interest in the product, a team is set up, a small factory is established in Valmiera, external investment from international angel investors is secured, along with public funding to develop an improved version of BeTriton.



The first-ever fully functional BeTRITON prototype is completed and ready for action. Test runs, trials, amazing experiences, media photo/video sessions, and loads of fun take place right after the unit is built. It storms through news and social media worldwide.


Early prototyping

3D modeling, CNC milling, woodworking (Kārlis Zemītis), metalworking (Gatis Kreicbergs), 3D printing, and lots of creativity were used to create the first BeTRITON prototype. The team was bootstrapped and worked part-time on the project.



Right after returning home, Aigars rolls up his sleeves and sets up his design & prototyping studio - ZELTINI, with a mission to change the world. Creativity, sustainability, fun, ethics, and other key values define the work of the ZELTINI studio. Equipped with rapid prototyping tools, the work on ideas begins.


Aigars Completes LONDON – TOKYO - HOME Bicycle Journey

In Tokyo, after 30,000+ km, Aigars, the Founder & CEO, turns around and takes the Trans-Siberian train from Vladivostok to Moscow, cycles to his native Latvia, and resettles in the ancestral house built by his great-grandfather. The life-changing 4-year cycle journey is complete. For more info, check out his blog.


Initial idea & concept model – Shanghai

While still on the road and staying for a few months in Shanghai Aigars comes up with an idea of how to upgrade cycle touring. Tiny house-boat-trike is born. Initial sketches lead to the creation of the first mock-up model at his tiny apartment and the first tests in the local city park.


Aigars Cycles London - Shanghai.

After six years of being based in London, Aigars, the Founder & CEO, embarked on an incredible solo cycletouring expedition across Eurasia, covering a staggering distance of 31,000 kilometers over four years. For further insights into his journey, feel free to explore his blog.